25 Juni 2009

The Tree Project

©Allan Baily's Persimmon seeds sprouted, New York und Ruth Ann Brown's Chinese Parasol Tree sprouted, Portland

Bäume, die Hiroshima überlebt haben, heißen Hibaku trees (A-bombed trees). Der Japanische Künstler Hiroshi Sunairi bekam 2008 Samen der zweiten und dritten Generation dieser Bäume (Stechpalme, Kakibaum, Paternosterbaum, Chinesischer Parasolbaum, japanischer Zürgelbaum, Rote Dattel) von dem tree Dr. Riki Horiguchi in Hiroshima und startete The Tree project: "I have been giving these seeds to the ones that are interested in planting them both in the US and the world. By sharing these seeds, I would like to share the pleasure of growing plants, especially the plants from Hibaku seeds. In December 2009, these grown seedlings will be exhibited at The Horticultural Society of New York." via

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