12 April 2008

all over the world


network of gardens ist ein Teil der gungardens der Künstlergruppe Kolonial Odling aus Malmö. "Accordingly the network is a self-genereted branchingdatabase, and is based on the idea of creating a database with artists and cultivators gardens all over the world."
Jeder kann sich mit seinem Garten / Projekt registrieren und vorstellen. Es soll ein Netzwerk auch zum Austausch von Samen geschaffen werden, um die strengen Regularien der EU zu unterlaufen: "In Sweden, during the past few years, there has been a break up in the rigid regulations. It is now allowed to sell non-approved seed, seed not listed on the official lists, to private cultivators. In that way, the single person has the possibility to preserve different species, as a counterbalance to the politics of standardization of EU. We buy and eat the same kind of apple, even though there are big varieties of apples in Europe. It may depend on, that some species are not suitable for transports crisscrossing within EU, because of, for example, thin peel. A cultural heritage disappears. But as a private cultivator you have the possibility to preserving a special knowledge, for example strategies for cultivation in your region or the preserving of a certain local plant. And nothing stops an an exchange of seeds, sprouts and plants beetween private persons. There are also a lot of entusiasts and international organisations working for this, for example Seed Savers Exchange, USA, Arche Noah, Austria, HDRA, Great Britain or the Nordic Gene Bank."